A NON-TROPICAL ORIGIN FOR HUMANITY - part 1 - and the earliest settlement of America

This is the first of 4 videos on the monograph by Yuri A. Mochanov and Svetlana A. Fedoseeva titled ’’Archaeology, The Plaeolithic of Noerthern Asia, a Non-Tropical Origin for Humanity, and the Earliest Stages of the Settlement of America.’’ A report for the International Northern Archaeology Congress, KhantyMansiisk, Russia, 9-14 Sep. 2002. Yuri and Svetlana worked on Archaeology and prehistory in Northern Siberia for 40 years starting 1965, in 1988 they found stonetools that looked like the Ordowan stonetools in Africa dating back to 2.6 Ma... Their find proved to date back to 3Ma... some 3.2 - 3.3 - some 2.5 and 1.8 Ma... well before Homo Erectus could ever have reached Northern Siberia ... the only answer to them was that man originated from Northern Siberia... There are professinals both supporting the age of the finds and their hypothesis of Non-Tropical Origin of Humanity... as there were and still is other professionals who are highly critical and some downright dismiss the findings. In Short this is controversial... The pdf book can be downloaded for free:
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