William Forsythe, Improvisation Technologies

By clicking “show more”, you will see a list that allows you to jump to the chapters of the CD-ROM and its booklet directly. The CD-ROM “William Forsythe, Improvisation Technologies”, published in 1999, was designed as a pedagogical tool for the prolific choreographer. At the same time, the implementation as CD-ROM was paradigmatic in how technology at the time could be used to communicate principles of choreography and dance and was widely circulated in dance and dance studies communities. The interactive CD was developed, produced, programmed, and published by ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany in cooperation with the Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln. Since its publication, the computer systems needed to view this CD-ROM became obsolete and then optical disc drives vanished from consumer hardware. The menus of the CD can be jumped to via the chapter markers listed below. For editorial reasons, the videos under the menu “examples” are not included in this documentation.
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