I made this video for you to compare a fully acoustic sound and a sound with a pick-up on a tagelharpa. What sound do you like more?
I play “Herr Mannelig“, it’s a very popular Swedish folk ballad.
Some details on a tagelharpa:
Material: alder, spruce
Horsehair strings
Tuning d-g-d
Price - 570$
We are accepting new orders, our waiting list is usually 2-3 months.
Feel free to ask any questions!
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You can also contact us by email: jackharpsworkshop@
На этом видео можно сравнить звук тальхарпы в акустике и с пьезо-датчиком.
Я играю средневековую шведскую песню “Herr Mannelig“, это одна