Everyday Winter Glowy Makeup Tutorial | Christen Dominique

Beautiful hydrated, smooth looking skin hacks in today’s video! I’m showing my actual every day skincare/makeup routine for glowy smooth winter skin! If you have dry skin like me, or even if you’re normal/oily, these tips are how I get my skin smooth and not flakey when it’s cold out! Comment below to let me know any hacks/looks/tips you’d like to see next, i’m here for you all! T I K T O K: ChristenDominique S N A P C H A T: ChristenSnaps T W I T T E R : ChristenDTweets I N S T A G R A M: ChristenDominique F A C E B O O K: Christen Dominique Download the Dominique Cosmetics app here: App...le Device: Android Device: Get 15% off Use code: APP15 SUBSCRIBE: and be part of my family!! #Domfam Watch this video next!: Dominique Cosmetics P R O D U C T S —————————————— Necklace Drae Collection $100 Use Code: CHRISTEN15 for 15% off! Nude Jumpsuit from Naked War
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