Ben Webster - Old Betsy - STS Digital

Following my initial STS Digital Ben Webster experience, which was more interesting than outstanding. I decided the only sensible thing to do was to buy the 15ips version which promised to be a genuine 1:1 master copy. So I ’phoned Michael at Air Audio, the official STS-digitalshop UK distributor, and got out my credit card. This is completely different experience. Firstly, the packaging is first class. The hinged box is really nicely made from very stiff, cloth-textured card. It doesn’t take up excessive shelf-space, looks great and provides good protection for the tape within. Although a spine label would be nice should I buy any more STS tapes! Another improvement since my first experience. Inside the box various stickers and notes state the equalisation is CCIR, level 320nWb/m and that this copy master was made by playing the original master on the outstanding Philips EL 3501 feeding a bank of 6 Philips N4522 machines loaded with LPR 35 tape. The next thing worthy of note is the ree
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