I Followed a Real Regency Era Hair Care Routine

This shampoo recipe comes from the 1811 book Mirror of The Graces. “This is a cleanser and brightener of the head and hair, and should be applied in the morning. Beat up the whites of six eggs into a froth, and with that annoint the head close to the roots of the hair. Leave it to dry on; then wash the head and hair thoroughly with a mixture of rum and rose-water in equal quantities.“ Please turn on subtitles for the full shampoo recipe. Hair was only intended to be washed once a month which is why it was acceptable to wash one’s hair with alcohol. I would not recommend doing this on a frequent basis as it may dry out your hair. However, this method is still far more agreeable to the scalp and hair than soap. Check the house out on Facebook. We love meeting new people! If you are interested in early 19th century fashion join us in our FB group The Federal Lady:
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