Justin “Nordic Thunder“ Howard (US), Air Guitar World Championships 2011

The AGWC Results 2011: 1. Aline “The Devil’s Niece“ Westphal 34.4 (DE) 2. Justin “Nordic Thunder“ Howard 34.1 (US) 3. Veronica “Like Ever Gin“ Mullerova 33.8 (CZ) 4. Soraya “Eva Gina Runner“ Garlenq 33.6 (FRA) 5. Albert “L-Bird“ Chuah 33.0 (MY) 6. Sylvain “Günther Love“ Quimene 32.9 (FRA) 7. Kereel “Your Daddy“ Blumenkrantz 32.5 (RU) 8. Kate “Zero Prospects“ Gray 32.4 (UK) 9. Kevin “Narvalwaker“ Leloux 32.3 (BE) 10. Guy “The Bandit“ Thompson 31.9 (UK) 11. Fausto “
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