EXECUTION of Anton Dostler - BESTIAL German NAZI GENERAL & War Criminal - ATROCITIES of German Army

EXECUTION of Anton Dostler - Bestial German NAZI General & War Criminal - ATROCITIES of German Army. In June 1910, Anton Dostler, then 19 years old, joined the 6th Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army as a cadet and 2 years later he was promoted to lieutenant. The First World War began on the 28th of July 1914. In January 1916 Dostler was promoted to Superior Lieutenant and in October 1918 to captain. For gallantry in action, he was awarded the Iron Cross 1st class and Bavarian Order of Military Merit, 4th Class, with Swords. The First World War ended on the 11th of November 1918 when the German leaders signed the armistice in the Compiègne Forest in France. Before Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party came into power in 1933, the often-conservative leadership of the German military initially saw Hitler as a radical and as a political upstart. They did not support his attempted coup, the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Instead, they fired on Hitler and his fellow insurrectionists rather than joining hi
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