STALIN’S Metro Circle?! Stopping at Every Station in Moscow, RUSSIA! Старая кольцевая линия!

***WATCH Pavel’s YouTube channel HERE: @UC9-XgavTlcAfajtWZCbncNA While everyone is talking about the newest and biggest Moscow Subway circle come with us and see the oldest and smallest Moscow Subway circle where all the history is! Right in the center of the city step back in time, underground in Stalin’s subway stations and also see what it looks like now above ground. What insight will Pavel, Josiah and Yakov give us? #moscowmetro #metro #train #underground #subway #transportation #tunnel #expatlie #expats #lifeinrussia #russianvlog #expat #moscow #russia #russian #stalin #stalinvideo #stalin_news Our VK page: Our Patreon: Music: Voyage Musician: @iksonmusic
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