The Best Tik Toks on the Breast Doc | Boob Job*

Our beautiful young patient came to us, hoping for more volume and shape specifically to her breasts without looking unnatural. She’s in fashion design and felt that her body could use a little more curvature to fill out her unique and beautifully crafted designer wear. Using my meticulous Rapid Recovery technique, I inserted 160CC profile implants to give her the shape and volume she had desired ever since 11 years old. The goal was to make them appear as natural as possible while looking and feeling good. This is what we call an ’L.A. Natural.’ Most of the breast augmentation patients at our Marina del Rey practice want results that look natural. The L.A. Natural breast augmentation procedure developed by Dr. Stoker emphasizes techniques that produce fuller, perkier breasts that are proportional to the rest of the body, so they don’t appear obviously enhanced. Dr. Stoker’s meticulous attention to detail when creating surgical plans tailored for each patient improves both
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