Journey ~ Live in Danville, California February 6, 1976 Gregg Rolie Neal Schon [Video]
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Live at the MVHS Theatre, Danville, California, 6th February 1976
Soundboard & Video issues plague the band and the AV recording team. They sort of resolve the audio issues around the 24:00 mark.
Audio/Video remastered by Techtuts (Dixie Highway Forum), but I also clipped a couple of dropouts/dead space & combined the parts 1 & 2 videos.
Recorded By: The Just for You Show, produced by Rainbow Studio [Chester Farrow and his students at Monte Vista High School]
Chester Farrow [April 23, 1943 - May 24, 2020]
Chester was a big fan of R & B music which led him and his electronics program into a trendsetting, multi-media extravaganza that included recording bands in his rooms recording studio; producing in the same classroom a long running TV show on local cable and what many feel was his great joy producing live music events from concerts to guitar recitals. His show