Arctic Rise - A Species With Amnesia

The story behind the album This album is a tribute to Graham Hancock, a renowned author and researcher whose work I have been following for almost two decades. The concept of the album revolves around the existence of a lost civilisation that flourished tens of thousands of years ago during the last ice age. Unfortunately, this civilisation was wiped out by a cataclysmic event, possibly caused by a comet or asteroid that hit the northern ice cap over 12,000 years ago, leading to a great flood. Many cultures across the world have recorded this event (great flood) in their teachings. As a result, humanity had to start over from scratch, with no memory of who we are or where we came from. Hancock refers to us as “a species with amnesia,“ and this is where I drew inspiration for the album title. _________________ The artwork The album is a reflection on humanity’s story, prompting me to contemplate our future direction. I believe the next leap forward will
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