THE BOYS LOSE CTRL! | Genshin Impact

⭐ Road to 5k subs! 💫 Big thanks to @suegiiku for letting me abuse her account :) 👍 If you enjoyed the video, make sure to leave a like, share and subscribe to the channel, it means a lot! ___________________________________________ 🎮 Watch me live on Twitch: 🐦 Follow me on Twitter: 📱 Follow me on TikTok: @outragexz?_t=8YJ0WFPCtWQ&_r=1 📷 Follow me on Instagram: ____________________________________________ 📢 Don’t repost my stuff without my consent! (┛ಠ_ಠ)┛彡┻━┻ #genshinimpact #shorts #edit #genshinshorts #genshinedit #mihoyo #hoyoverse #trend #trending #trendingshorts #tartaglia #albedo #zhongli #venti #xiao #ayato #kaeya #aether #tighnari #bennett #kazuha #itto #diluc #thoma #theboys
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