
\ 0:00 What are You Going to Build_ 5:56 What are Microservices_ 8:32 CQRS & Event Sourcing 12:33 Axon Platform and Structure\ 17:31 Prerequisites 23:54 Run Axon in Docker 26:45 Run MongoDB in Docker 29:42 Run MySQL in Docker 34:47 Spring Initializr 40:15 Basic Project Setup 43:34 CQRS Project Structure 47:06 Axon Configuration Microservices\ 1:01:02 User Microservices 1:06:07 User Domain Models 1:12:15 User Commands 1:16:09 User Events 1:18:45 User Aggregate 1:29:25 User Event Handler & Initial User Repository 1:36:55 REST Controller for Registering Users 1:50:04 Registering Your First User 2:05:32 REST Controller for Updating Users 2:14:15 REST Controller for Removing Users 2:20:46 User Queries 2:23:21 User Query Handler 2:35:27 REST Controller for Retrieving Users Your Microservices\ 2:52:21 Introduction to Spring Security & OAuth2.0 2:58:27 Generating the OAuth2.0 Project with Spring Initializr & Initial Setup 3:02:07 User Repository & User Service 3:09:18 Authorization Server & Web Security Configuration 3:28:24 Securing the User Command & Query APIs Gateway\ 3:42:07 Introduction to API Gateways & Spring Cloud Gateway 3:44:16 Create an API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway 3:49:57 Testing API Gateway Routes Account Microservices\ 3:54:08 Bank Account Microservices 3:59:14 Generating the Bank Account Projects with Spring Initializr 4:01:15 Bank Account Project Setup 4:17:20 Bank Account Domain Models 4:20:38 Bank Account Commands 4:25:45 Bank Account Events 4:29:31 Bank Account Aggregate 4:40:34 Bank Account Event Handler & Repository 4:47:30 REST Controller for Opening a Bank Account 5:01:02 REST Controller for Depositing Funds 5:10:37 REST Controller for Withdrawing Funds 5:19:17 REST Controller for Closing Bank Account 5:26:29 Bank Account Queries 5:29:37 Bank Account Query Handler 5:45:06 Bank Account Lookup Controller Your Microservices\ 6:03:53 Introduction to Containerization and Docker 6:08:38 Containerize Your First Microservices 6:22:49 Different Ways to Deploy Docker Images
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