Jordan Peterson - Lecture on Free Speech, 10/19/21 Bucknell Program for American Leadership
Jordan Peterson on Free Speech with Introduction and Q & A.
at #Bucknell University
(Full Speech)
45:24 The Importance of Tradition
48:05 The Significance and Indispensability of Listening to One’s Conscience
51:07 In Regards to Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins and their Antireligious Stance
53:27 The Attraction and the Essentiality of ’Deep’ Stories
1:02:01 Responsibility and the Suffering in the world
1:04:21 Beauty as a Call to Higher Things and as an Antidote to Suffering
1:07:34 (No) Easy Way Out
1:12:13 ’People are Strange’...’and unbearably interesting’
’Prof. Jordan Peterson speaks at Bucknell University on “Free Speech as a Precondition for Mental and Social Health” at the Weis Arts Center, an event co-sponsored by the Bucknell Program for American Leadership and the Open Discourse Coalition.
Students present erupted twice in spontaneous applause during his talk, when he spoke of how their education should not be cont
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