999Hz | Manifest What You Desire | Angelic Healing Music | NĀDA : DAY 24

We are on the last of the Angelic Frequencies 999Hz inspired by the angelic number 999 and the closest frequency to the Frequency of Gods. 999 is a symbol that universe is aligning itself to manifest your true desire. It symbolizes the end of one era and the beginning of another. This number often appears when there are big changes on the horizon. When meditating with this track, focus your attention on your forehead and top of the head. You can do gentle hummm along the track. This immediately calms the mind. We hope that you will have a wonderful session with this track. Do let us know what you think about this in the comments below. If you are want the sleep version of this track, we have created a special long reverbed version of this track containing additional harmonics, which is available exclusively in the app. Also, entire series can be streamed without interruptions and ads for free in the app. Music in this track : This soundscape has b
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