Planet x Nibiru Update, The spinning ORB.

Thanks for watching Our Skies Today. This is a PlanetX & Nibiru Update. Breaking News is always good when it’s about Nibiru or the Red Dragon anytime our sky looks like in this video during sunset it is breaking news things over our head is here the red dragon is real is not just the antichrist it really is red and looks like a dragon and other sky apps always hide things they don’t want us to see its not hard to spot a planet a moon or a planet x object when they are not in front of the sun simulator but that’s when they chemtrail the most is when planets are easier to see most odds the time they spend all day to cover up our breaking news planets from planet x Nibiru wormwood atu sarrus among other planets and moons they really are very close to earth just moving with us out there in space but what I don’t get is why they use weather warfare all over earth folks we must worship and praise or savior Jesus and study that way we will know what and when about the mark of the beast revelat
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