Nice children get sweets and toys, naughty children get… Well, they get nothing! But that’s not going to fly with them, not in the least. The nasty rascals have stolen all the presents in The City and their appearance mutated as a result of their cruel behavior. Don’t let them have it!
Baka the Unfortunate Returns — his Christmas spirit has compelled him to come back! Visit the ominous Baka at the Bazaar to discover what holiday surprises await you this time around.
Kill List, Nice List — hunt down the mean ones and pick up holiday sweets to complete special daily & weekly bounties that will ultimately determine if you’ll restore hope for the holidays.
Presents For All — purchase some of the most sought-after items of the season. Get jolly hats, holiday-themed masks, Christmas-decorated weapons, and other cheery presents.
Cold-Blooded Infected — the iconic creatures of the night have turned into Naughty Bolters, Naughty Helpers, and Uncle Snows. It’s up to you to cast out the infernal enemies who are spoiling all the fun.
Additionally, take part in the event for even more must-have rewards:
Participation Goal:
Pick up 1 Stolen Present
Reward: Presents Pack
Personal Goal:
Pick up 20 Stolen Presents
Reward: Nutcracker Paraglider
TGG Global Goal:
As a community - pick up 6 000 000 Stolen Presents
Reward: Bauble Mace
The event will be active till the 5th of January at 16:00 CEST.