90s Time Traveler Discovers ’Solo: A Star Wars Story’
Try explaining Solo: A Star Wars Story to somebody from the 90s. There’s kind of a lot to fill them in on.
Solo: A Star Wars Story hit theatres recently and confirmed that THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY STAR WARS FILMS. Although lots of fans seem to like Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian and Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo -- there’s an overwhelming feeling of “why was this made?“ It answers questions about Solo that nobody really cared about, and led into A New Hope in a kind of vague way. Now, try explaining all that to someone in 1995!
Here’s my Amazon “Influencer“ link where you’ll find all the equipment I use to make these videos! If you buy anything on Amazon through this link (not just items from this equipment list) Amazon gives me a little bit of money! And that lets me buy food for my cats!
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7 days ago 00:21:22 1
Крым. Курортное. А где КУРОРТ?
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