The Hardy-Weinberg model, named after the two scientists that derived it in the early part of this century, describes and predicts genotype and allele frequencies in a non-evolving population. The model has five basic assumptions: 1) the population is large (i.e., there is no genetic drift); 2) there is no gene flow between populations, from migration or transfer of gametes; 3) mutations are negligible; 4) individuals are mating randomly; and 5) natural selection is not operating on the population. Given these assumptions, a population’s genotype and allele frequencies will remain unchanged over successive generations, and the population is said to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The Hardy-Weinberg model can also be applied to the genotype frequency of a single gene.
Importance: The Hardy-Weinberg model enables us to compare a population’s actual genetic structure over time with the genetic structure we would expect if the population were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (i.e., not evolving). If genotype frequencies differ from those we would expect under equilibrium, we can assume that one or more of the model’s assumptions are being violated, and attempt to determine which one(s).
Question: How do we use the Hardy-Weinberg model to predict genotype and allele frequencies? What does the model tell us about the genetic structure of a population?
p frequency of one of two alleles
q frequency of the other of two alleles
Methods: The Hardy-Weinberg model consists of two equations: one that calculates allele frequencies and one that calculates genotype frequencies. Because we are dealing with frequencies, both equations must add up to 1. The equation
p q = 1
describes allele frequencies for a gene with two alleles. (This is the simplest case, but the equation can also be modified and used in cases with three or more alleles.) If we know the frequency of one allele (p) we can easily calculate the frequency of the other allele (q) by 1 ó p = q.
In a diploid organism with alleles A and a at a given locus, there are three possible genotypes: AA, Aa, and aa. If we use p to represent the frequency of A and q to represent the frequency of a, we can write the genotype frequencies as (p)(p) or p2 for AA, (q)(q) or q2 for aa, and 2(p)(q) for Aa. The equation for genotype frequencies is
p2 2pq q2 = 1.
One approach to the study of genetic diversity is to look at allele and genotype frequencies of allozymes. Allozymes are enzymes that show different rates of movement in gel electrophoresis due to the presence of different alleles at a single locus; they are often denoted as F (fast-moving) and S (slow-moving) alleles. Allozyme variation is an indicator of genetic variation, and can be studied to quantify genetic variation among populations.
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