Jambo Takes His Time To Sort His Unsettled Noisy Group

Jambo the hairless chimpanzee is outside with Chimp Jomar. The inside is very noisy as it always is before feeding time or because of the new female Samantha. Jambo is taking its time to get inside. He looked rather relaxed, but not for much longer. The first frame inside shows Kibali. Jambo’s rival was supposed to take over the group, but hasn’t managed it yet as Jambo has still the support of most of the females. Kibali in the back is going up on the rope. He jumps down at the same time as Jomar comes towards me from the right. Kibali and Jomar jump back up onto the rope. I’m not 100% sure, but I think it’s Samathma, the new female to the group by the door with the grey back. Then Jambo comes in chases Samatha. Jomar is right in front of me. Showing his teeth. Samantha is coming up on the right. When Jomar jumps down, Samatha is in view and above her, I think it’s Charlotte (Lottie). Lottie and Samantha have a go at each other when Samatha has a poo mid-air😁. On the back rope is
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