A video distribution project by DOGRUN. This time, BUGSEED, one of the best beat makers in Japan, who is active both in Japan and abroad, will appear。OKKOTO, who has produced many works for DOGRUN, will be in charge of the video. The event will take place at Kichijoji WARP, located on Benten Street in Kichijoji. DOGRUNによる映像配信プロジェクト。 今回は国内外で活躍している日本屈指のビートメイカーBUGSEEDが登場。映像はDOGRUNでも多くの作品を残しているOKKOTOが担当。場所は吉祥寺の弁天通りに位置する吉祥寺WARP
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