New Fashion Van (1969)

No titles. Mobile fashion van incorporates ’Magic Mirror’. Mill Hill, London. A mobile fashion van pulls up at the curb in residential / suburban road. On the side of the van are the words ’Looksee - see yourself in 30 dresses in 3 minutes without trying them on - in the Magic Mirror’. A woman walks beside the van and stops to look at the words on the side. Two other women go into the back of the van. It has rows of clothes hanging up on either side and other women are looking through them. One of the women has a black wrap put around her body by a man. He then closes curtains behind them and the woman’s face is reflected in the ’Magic Mirror’. Slides of several outfits are then projected onto the mirror, showing the woman what she would look like in each one. The man uses a switch to change slides. The woman tries on a furry white coat that she liked the look of in the ’Magic Mirror’ and walks out of the van. Seems to be a mobile showroom of a mail order clothes catalogue. FILM ID:220
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