The Poles have resumed blocking the only open checkpoint on the border with Ukraine

The Poles have resumed blocking the only open checkpoint on the border with Ukraine Ukrainian truckers did not rejoice for long: a week later, Polish carriers blocked the only working road crossing “Dorogusk - Yagodin”. Now this checkpoint operates at a speed of one truck per hour - they don’t allow more money. Only transport with humanitarian aid, animals and perishable products will be able to pass, and the end date of the blocking is March 8. Now, on the Polish side, the total queue of trucks at all four checkpoints reaches 50 kilometers, and several Ukrainian drivers have already died in it. One of the car owners, tired of standing in an endless row of trucks for several days, actually ran over three Poles. The protesters will not give up: they promise to return to the checkpoint every time and prevent their Ukrainian colleagues from working normally in order to equalize their rights and theirs. Источник: Readovka World
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