A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it’s not what you think) | Hamish Jolly
Hamish Jolly, an ocean swimmer in Australia, wanted a wetsuit that would deter a curious shark from mistaking him for a potential source of nourishment. (Which, statistically, is rare, but certainly a fate worth avoiding.) Working with a team of scientists, he and his friends came up with a fresh approach — not a shark cage, not a suit of chain-mail, but a sleek suit that taps our growing understanding of shark vision.
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1 year ago 00:16:26 1
The “Sharkiest” Surf Destinations in the World…
2 years ago 00:15:07 1
3 years ago 00:05:28 1
Testing a Shark Deterrent | Shark Beach with Chris Hemsworth
6 years ago 00:12:33 1
A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it’s not what you think) | Hamish Jolly
7 years ago 00:02:06 17
Sharkbanz Research Test Highlights - Bull Shark Deterrent