Putin & Trump Join Hands to Destroy NATO
#putinspeech #russianews #usmilitary
Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed Thursday to carry out Moscow’s goals in Ukraine and warned the West against further engagement in the conflict, claiming that such a move would threaten a worldwide nuclear war.
Welcome everyone, in today’s video; we’re going to tell you Putin and Trump Join Hands to Destroy NATO
Putin’s stark warning came in a state-of-the-nation address ahead of next month’s election, which he is almost expected to win, highlighting his willingness to raise the stakes in the tug-of-war with the West to defend Russia’s gains in Ukraine.
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Putin & Trump Join Hands to Destroy NATO
In an apparent reference to French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement earlier this week that the future deployment of Western foot soldiers to Ukraine should not be “ruled out,“ Putin cautioned that such a decision would have “tragic“ implications for the countries involved.
Putin stated that, while accusing Russia of planning to attack NATO members in Europe, Western allies were “selecting targets for striking our territory“ and “talking about the possibility of sending a NATO contingent to Ukraine.“
“We remember the fate of those who sent their troop contingents to the territory of our country,“ the Russian leader added, referring to Napoleon’s and Hitler’s failed invasions. “Now the consequences for the potential invaders will be far more tragic.“
In a two-hour speech before an audience of lawmakers and top officials, Putin portrayed Western leaders as reckless and irresponsible, stating that the West should remember that “we also have weapons that can strike targets on their territory, and what they are now suggesting and scaring the world with, all that raises the real threat of a nuclear conflict that will mean the destruction of our civilization.“
The forceful declaration echoed earlier threats from Putin, who has repeatedly emphasized Russia’s nuclear strength since sending soldiers into Ukraine in February 2022 to prevent the West from increasing its military assistance for Kyiv.
Putin highlighted that Russia’s nuclear forces are in “full readiness,“ claiming that the military has deployed powerful new weapons, some of which have been tested on the battlefield in Ukraine.
The Kremlin leader stated that they include the new Sarmat heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, which has been deployed by Russian nuclear forces, as well as the Burevestnik atomic-powered cruise missile and the Poseidon atomic-powered, nuclear-armed drone, which is nearing completion of its tests.
At the same time, Putin dismissed Western leaders’ warnings about the potential of a Russian strike on NATO allies in Europe as “ravings“ and denied Washington’s claim that Moscow was considering the deployment of space-based nuclear weapons.
Putin claimed that the US claims were part of a plot to bring Russia into discussions on nuclear arms limitation on American terms, even as Washington continued to inflict a “strategic defeat“ to Moscow in Ukraine.
“Ahead of the U.S. election, they just want to show their citizens, as well as others, that they continue to rule the world,“ he went on to say. “It won’t work.“
In his speech, which concentrated mainly on economic and social problems ahead of the March 15-17 presidential election, Putin said that Russia was “defending its sovereignty and security and protecting our compatriots“ in Ukraine, alleging that Russian soldiers have an advantage in the war.
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