The Origins of Machu Picchu...

Part 2 of this video is here: The beautiful ancient site of Machu Picchu is one of the most famous places in the world, yet it’s origins are shrouded in uncertainty and the unknown. Please like and subscribe, let me know what you think in the comments section below. Thanks to all those that support this channel, particularly in these strange and trying times. I didn’t mention it in the video, I think we’ll all hearing enough as it is! Please consider supporting UnchartedX via the value-for-value model at Links: Why the Peruvian Megalithic Architecture is older than the Inca: Y Chromosome Bottleneck and the Younger Dryas Cooling Event: Please like and subscribe! Leave a comment with your thoughts! UnchartedX website: Support Links - all details at Paypal tip jar:
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