Haven’t sat down and just had hours of fun with my HM-2 clone, but I did this time and threw the camera on. This time I threw it in front of my interface and played it through the Neural DSP Archetype Gojira plugin. Sounds painful, nasty, filthy, disgusting, and not how it’s supposed to sound!!! I could spend hours and hours with this pedal engaged, and guess what? I did!!! Love coming up with simple buzz saw riffs and mean sounding notes! So in this video, it’s nothing fancy or informative. Just me plugging in and having a great time on my SAW guitar and chainsaw sounding pedal. The first clip is an intro idea that started out with a really simple old school death metal idea and then just took on a life of it’s own. I have plenty to work with off of that template now, much more than I originally thought I would. Thanks so much for watching and continuing to support!!!
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