Scary Paranormal Images - The Phantom Rider. Part 1 of 2.

SCARY PARANORMAL IMAGES - THE PHANTOM RIDER For superb similar digital art on CLOTHING and HOME DECOR products, click on the following link below: 1. SHORT STORY OF THE PHANTOM RIDER - (Part 1 of 2) The road was long and winding, cutting through the desolate mountain range like a dark serpent. It was nearly midnight, and David’s car was the only vehicle on this forsaken stretch of asphalt. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter than usual, the tension in his knuckles betraying his calm facade. The air was thick with the promise of a storm, the sky an ominous shade of charcoal. David glanced at his dashboard clock. 11:57 PM. Just three more minutes and he would be safe. Folklore warned travelers never to be on this road at midnight, for that was when the Phantom Rider hunted. But David didn’t believe in old wives’ tales, at least, that’s what he told himself. As the clock struck midnight, a chill ran down his spine. The car&
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