25 MIN INTENSE CORE + ABS Workout - No Equipment, Home Workout for strong and defined Abs

Challenge Lower, Upper and Side Abs with this Killer 25-minute home workout! It’s full of core-engaging exercises to power up your midsection. Stay focused on your technique, push through, and remember: you’ve got the strength to conquer this! ♡ Sign up to my Grow with Anna APP: ▸ Focus: Core Strength ▸ Time: 25 Min ▸ Equipment: none Workout: ▸ Core Activation 60 sec on ▸ Lower Abs 30 sec on, no rest ▸ Challenge 60 sec on, no rest ▸ Ab Burn 30 sec on, no rest ▸ Plank Hold 2 min ▸ Final Minute 60 sec on, no rest ▸ Cool Down 30 sec on, 10 sec off Please remember that we are all different ...and that you can make this your own workout ♡ Take a longer break when you need to. ♡ Sign up to the Team Grow Newsletter: ♡ Join the OFFICIAL TEAM GROW Community Group: ♡ My @KorodrogerieDe DISCOUNT CODE: GROW ♡ My Amazon Storefront: ♡ The Gear I Use: Camera: Lens: Tripod: Microphone: ♡ SUBSCRIBE: ♡ Instagram: ♡ Facebook: ♡ My Music: #growingannanas #growwithanna #homeworkouts #hiitworkout D I S C L A I M E R If you are a newbie start with a simple and easy exercise before attempting all advanced exercises. Performing exercises out of your capability might strain your muscles and you may get injured. This channel offers health, fitness and nutritional information. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Growingannanas will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
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