“I Will Avenge your Honor“ Mike Tyson Emotional about call w/ Muhammad Ali at 14 after Holmes fight

Mike tyson tells the story of being 14 years old and going with Cus D’amato to see Muhammed Ali vs Larry Holmes. At this time Ali was way past his prime. The next day Cus D’Amato was on the phone with Muhammad Ali and let a 14 year old Mike Tyson talk to him on the phone. Mike would go on to also Fight Larry Holmes and Muhammad ali was there in the ring and told MIke tyson Get him for me. Theres a quick highlight of both fights and everything he talks about. These are my favorite type of videos to make so let me know what you think in the comments. LIKE SUBSCRIBE SHARE COMMENT Follow on social media for completely different content FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM Check out other Mike Tyson videos here Mike Tyson talks how he would have done against ALI check out the podcast with mi
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