Kinjaz - RKCB “Daydreaming (Virtu Remix)“ | Dance Is Our Sport
“Dance Is Our Sport” An inspired piece from a recent trip to Beaverton, OR
Filmed at the LA Garage on the Nike WHQ Campus
Directed by: The Kinjaz
Choreography and Freestyles by: VillN & Mpact, Darren Wong, Keone Madrid, Bam Martin, Vinh Nguyen, Tony Tran, Charles Nguyen, Pat Cruz, Anthony Lee, Mike Song
Performed by: @mikeosong , @xtonytran , @_anthonylee_ , @charlesvnguyen , @bam_martin , @patcruz , @keonemadrid , @villnlor , @mpact_lor , @btek_benchung , @mikefal , @jawnha
Filmed/Edited by: @VIBRVNCY