20190127 [CAN’T BE SLOW] Lee Joon Gi Asia Tour DELIGHT, Taipei 이준기 李準基 イ・ジュンギ

[FANCAM] Feel the beat! Feel the heat! Feel the heart of JG! There are many reasons why we love LEE JOON GI, but his appreciation for his fans is definitely at the top of our list! He always delivered more than what we expected in his fan meetings. 每次的見面會,總能感受他對粉絲的寵愛。“Can’t be slow” to see him! 2019 is the year of the Boar. I believe good things are on their way for JG and all JG fans! [20190127 Lee Joon Gi Asia Tour DELIGHT in Taipei] …My apologies (TT), I miss a few seconds for the opening of this song…
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