The New Santa Cruz Nomad - More Travel Than a White Van // ft. Sam Dale
Big mountain riding is a nomadic existence. Meeting friends in far flung car parks. Pinpointing trails you’re not sure are even rideable. Sending the ones you know are. Shiny new bling gets battered, shattered and bruised. That’s life. That’s how it should be. That’s why the Nomad exists.
The ever versatile wheel size – – 170mm travel, a full carbon frame and built with the intention that it’ll keep running and running, long past the season’s end. The Nomad is the kind of bike you need never wor
4 weeks ago 00:23:59 1
Decree “O VIOLET FLAME, FLOOD THE WORLD!“ #violetflame #saintgermain
4 weeks ago 00:00:13 1
Да что ты черт побери такое несешь ? (Банды Нью-Йорка)