Rhythm, timing, accuracy movement tasks

Here are a handful of tasks emphasizing accuracy, rhythm, reaction, timing and speed, most of it I picked up from the ever creative Soviet boxing school and other sport fields, a few were my own discoveries in my daily play and research. Talk is cheap, but each one of these tasks offer challenges that would surprise even elite athletes yet the point for me as a practitioner of movement is not to master the tasks but the skill set behind them. You see just practicing movements is not the same as practicing movement.... I know it’s a confusing concept for most but try to think of it this way: every specialist gets good at what he/she practices but the generalist gets better at some areas that are not practiced as well. Most definitely having ‘skin in the game’ (Nassim Taleb) and applying yourself to never ending changing circumstances and orchestrated challenges is the beginning of the journey into movement without which one should not assume understanding of the concept just like a pract
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