The Black Cross of Saturn - Secrets, Symbolism and The Occult
Have you ever wondered why the Black Cube is everywhere or why conspiracy theorists seem convinced it has something to do with the planet Saturn, the Kaaba and of course Satan? On this week’s show we hammer out the confusing details and reveal the origin of the black cube symbol, it’s various religious and cultural meanings and unveil it’s true origin that might just frighten you. In the extended show we discuss what it all has to do with Christmas, Santa Claus and Capricorn. Get it.
During this episode we discuss:
-The Metaverse
-The Sabbath
-Saturn in Hebrew astrology
-The Seal of Solomon
-Solomon’s Temple
-The Tetragrammaton
-The Hebrew Alphabet Cube
-The Kaaba
-The Kabbalistic Tree of Life
-The Number 7 in Ancient Egypt
-Who is The Baphomet really?
In the full, uncensored episode available at we discuss:
-The Djed Pillar
-Saint Nicholas
-Sinterklass and Black Pete
-Psychedelic Mushrooms