What is better than a Gilbert and Sullivan character? The answer is two of them. What’s better yet is where they express themselves, together, through song. Find out where Sullivan REALLY dropped the ball, and where he launched that ball to dizzying heights. Did Gilbert help matters? The answer: sometimes. NUMBER ONE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Number two probably won’t but NUMBER ONE REALLY WILL. IT SURPRISED ME AND I MADE THE VIDEO. I’M STILL SURPRISED. SHOCKED. PERHAPS, EVEN, A LITTLE HUNGRY. MY HAIR IS STILL WET.
03:34 47. Here far away from all the world (Thespis)
05:28 46. Things are Seldom what they seem (HMS Pinafore)
06:29 45. The Battle’s Roar is o’er
08:22 44. Rapture Rapture (The Yeomen of the Guard)
10:17 43. I have a song to sing, o (The Yeomen of the Guard)
11:39 42. To help unhappy commoners / Small Titles and Orders (The Gondoliers)
13:16 41. Words of love too loudly spoken (Utopia Limited)
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