تعليم القراءة والكتابة كلمات بحركة الفتح من الحروف 2 دروس محو الأمية Learn writing Arabic from zero
modern standard arabic
تعليم القراءة و الكتابة للمبتدئين Arabic for beginners
belajar bahasa arab untuk pemula
शुरुआती के लिए अरबी सीखना
apprendre l’arabe pour les débutants
Join the Arabic reading & writing course and get a discount:
Use your English knowledge to learn Arabic.
Learn with fun:
You will read and write some words from the first each lesson you usually learn 2 letters, we will blend them making some words that don’t have meaning, and through this fun activity you will be able to recognize the different shapes of the same letter.
This is Alkottaab method, it will make you feel familiar with Arabic, because it will reach your mind using your knowledge in English.
We will start reading words of 2 letters until reading paragraphs from books. The course is divided into 2 levels:
- Level 1 will cover all the alphabet letters, their sounds, shapes, some diacritics, the difference between refusal letters and regular letters and you will be able to read and write words. That is the base of the course, what comes after will be easier.
There are dictation activities, plus a downloadable PDF homework for each class.
- Level 2 will complete all the diacritics and you will practice reading paragraphs from different books. The lessons are shorter and by the end of this section you will be able to read and write Arabic words and simple phrases.
And now I have promotion for you:
You will get the 2 levels with the price of 1 level. Level 1 is fully released here, and I will be updating the course every week until I finish level 2 uploads.
After that the price of the course will increase, so take now the opportunity of buying the 2 levels for the price of 1.
Save your time, study less and learn more Arabic by using your knowledge in English.
After finishing the course you will be able to read & write Arabic, you will be ready to practice the language.
1 view
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