Commonly Axed Questions: BEST FIRST AXE? Start With This.

Commonly axed question, what is a good axe to get started with. What I would recommend and not recommend. Council Tool Sport Utility: Hult’s Bruks 2-1/4 / 28“: Thank you everyone for the views, shares and support :D Support on has been critical in keeping me experimenting and making content. If you want to help me help others, this is probably the best way to do it. Thank you Patrons for supporting the mission! Buy less, but buy it through my links! Shopping through my affiliate links generates revenue for me, at no extra cost to you, click links here, or go to my Amazon Store pag...e: But seriously, buy less, do more. Standard gear I recommend. I either use or have used all of it. Council Tool Boys Axe: Bahco Farmer’s File: King two sided sharpening stone: https://amzn
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