Sandstorm like a wall hit Northwestern China 沙墙逼近城市!甘肃多地现罕见沙尘暴

A huge sandstorm hit China’s Gansu Province on November 25th, 2018, reducing minimum visibility to just 900 meters. There were no reports of damage or casualties. We upload a viral video from China’s social media every weekday! Support us by subscribing! Share it with your friends! Like us on Facebook: Twitter: 2018年11月25日16时许,甘肃省张掖民乐县,大风卷着黄沙袭来,形成巨大沙墙,县城逐步被沙尘吞噬。受影响地区包括酒泉、嘉峪关、金昌等。能见度降到900米左右。目前未有财产损失或伤亡报告。 想每天看到中国社交网络上的最热视频吗?敬请
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