First of all, the duck is fried, boiled or baked, both cut into pieces and whole. However, whatever method of heat treatment you choose, remember that the main thing in this case - do not overdry the meat. In order that it did not lose juiciness and tenderness, in the course of preparation periodically water a carcass with the fat proceeding from it.
There is another way to cook a delicious dish from this bird - smoked duck. For smoking, as a rule, take a lean meat duck. The carcass of the bird is plucked and cleaned. Often the duck is cut along the back, the meat is separated from the sternum and spine, and other bones are removed. This is an ideal version of smoked duck, in which everything is completely edible.
However, mostly smoked meat is cooked together with the bones. At the same time pre-sprinkle the carcass with salt and spices. Great for the smoking duck spice mix. After smoking for a long time, the finished smoked duck can be stored in a cool place, like smoked sausages.