SCORN OF CREATION - Prologue (Before This Life) [Full Band Playthrough] Death Metal | The Circle Pit

SCORN OF CREATION - Prologue (Before This Life) Album: SCORN OF CREATION - Annihilation Cult Location: Wellington, New Zealand 🇳🇿 Genre: Death Metal (influences range from Black Metal, Doom Metal, Progressive Metal and Alternative) For fans of: Disentomb, Defeated Sanity, The Black Dahlia Murder, Revocation, Morbid Angel _____________ The first track from Scorn Of Creations sophomore album ’Annihilation Cult’. ’Prologue’ is the beginning of the journey in to madness, kicking off from where the bands self titled debut ended and continuing in to the world of ’Annihilation Cult’, lead by a deranged cult leader on a mission.
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