Advanced Locomotion System #5 - Different Weapon Holding Animations

Project Files: . In this episode of the unreal engine advanced locomotion series, I am going to work on how to have different animations for different weapon types. In the base ALS template, there are only basic rifle and handgun animations available. But when different weapons are added to the system, the gun holding locations are different from the types we already have in the system. For example, the way a crossbow is held is different from the way the character will hold an m4A1 rifle. Here, we will look into how to introduce different weapon types and how to implement proper animations to support those weapons in the character animation blueprint. Advanced locomotion system: CodeLikeMe Third-Person shooter series: ► 👇 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 Ү
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