This is what Elden Ring is like if you are the Doomslayer. I modded in the Crucible Sword & the armor from Doom Eternal and added in a gun mod on top of the First Person Souls mod from NexusMods and turned Elden Ring into an FPS. This run was a lot more challenging than you’d think! So join in the fun now and watch as the raging, struggle, rage and funny moments ensue. If you’re reading this you just lost the game lol
Radagon (Doom Version) by Geoffrey Day:
Torn Flesh by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio:
David Glen Eisley: Sweet Victory (8 Bit Cover):
0:00 Intro
0:19 Soldier of Godrick
1:01 Margit
1:49 Godrick
2:56 Open World Shenanigans
3:27 Red Wolf of Radagon
3:52 Rennala
4:25 Radahn
5:23 Draconic Tree Sentinel
5:59 Leyndell
6:22 Goldfrey
7:28 Morgott
7:56 Cool Cool Mountain
8:46 Fire G