Learn Kungfu: The basic combo of “Single headed long pole“. 学习功夫:基础“单头棍”组合

Single head long pole combo practice Hong’s Head Choy’s Tail (Hong Tau Choy Mei) is a combination of Hong Kuen & Choy Ga Kuen, at the same time, it also combine different type of southern martial arts movements & weapons. Single headed long pole is one of the weapon that were practice by most of the southern fist practitioners, it is long and heavy, but different lineage might have different requirements, size & weight. Although there is different styles of southern fist, but the skills is the same, sometimes the name is different for the same movement. The video here were just part of the basic movements, if you would like to learn more do contact us. 单头棍组合练习 洪头蔡尾拳是结合洪拳和蔡家拳的拳法,同时也结合了很多南派武术的拳法&#
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