Why Clothes Matter

The clothes we choose to wear constitute some of our most crucial and carefully chosen lines of autobiography. Enjoying our Youtube videos? Get full access to all our audio content, videos, and thousands of thought-provoking articles, conversation cards and more with The School of Life Subscription: Be more mindful, present and inspired. Get the best of The School of Life delivered straight to your inbox: FURTHER READING “Once, we were all dressed by someone else. Parents picked out a T-shirt; the school dictated what colour our trousers should be. But at some point, we were granted the opportunity to discover who we might be in the world of clothes. We had to decide for ourselves about collars and necklines, fit, colours, patterns, textures and what goes (or doesn’t) with what. We learnt to speak about ourselves in the language of garments. Despite the potential silliness and exaggeration of sections of the fashion industry, assembling a wardrobe is a serious and meaningful exercise.“ You can read more on this and other subjects on our blog, here: MORE SCHOOL OF LIFE Our website has classes, articles and products to help you think and grow: Watch more films on SELF in our playlist: You can submit translations and transcripts on all of our videos here: SOCIAL MEDIA Feel free to follow us at the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: CREDITS Produced in collaboration with: Gemma Rose Green-Hope #TheSchoolOfLife
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