Mongolian Dance – Princess Zhaojun Highlight | 舞剧《昭君出塞》––《倒

The elegant dances perfectly match with the joyful “Hujia“ (nomad reed pipe) music. To celebrate the chief’s return with his new bride Princess Zhaojun, they sing and dance happily, showing the enthusiasm of the Xiongnu people. 塞外风情,倒喇之戏,顶上燃灯,轻旋慢舞。 匈奴女子们端庄优雅的舞姿,与欢快的胡笳声完美契合,为庆祝归来大婚的单于,也为欢迎远嫁至此的昭君。草原上欢歌载舞,尽显匈奴人民的热情。 Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: http
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