The Law Does NOT Flow UP: All Flows go from Top to the Bottom: @Proper Instruction Motivate People

People. In. Government. Servitude. Can’t. Understand. Normal. Thinking. Standards. . Cowards. Of. Words. And. Righteous. Dignified. Standing.:. Stealing. With. Approved. Policy. . _________________________________________________ As a Benefactor that gives to the Beneficiary, if the record reflects any abandonments then the valid claim goes to intent: A thing is given/gifted/granted with inherent implied intent that the thing given is actually possessed by the party of intent: Memorandum of Support/Cooperative Sponsorship Association Agreement: Amnesty: Armistice: ... _________________________________________________ Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think...! _________________________________________________ For free educational purposes only: Not Spam, deceptive nor a scam: No content ID nor Copyright claims can be made: Not a m
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