Сирень - С. Рахманинов / Lilacs by S. Rachmaninoff

«Сирень» Музыка С. Рахманинов Двенадцать романсов соч.21 № 5 cолист Ирина Архипова Lilacs Music S. Rachmanioff from his Twelve Romances Op. 21 № 5 Soloist Irina Arkhipova Lilacs In the morning, at daybreak, over the dewy grass, I will go to breathe the crisp dawn; and in the fragrant shade, where the lilac crowds, I will go to seek my happiness... In life, only one happiness it was fated for me to discover, and that happiness lives in the lilacs; in the green boughs, in the fragrant bunches, my poor happiness blossoms...
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