Grandmaster Kim, Duk In is the founder of the Duk Moo Academy.
Our vast syllabus offers something for everyone - from those dedicated to mastering their abilities, to those who simply want to keep fit.
With the Duk Moo Academy, students may train in Korean MoDo. We also specialise in advanced kicking techniques and comprehensive weapons training - particularly the long staff. The long staff is particularly good for improving blood circulation, correct breathing, hand-to-eye co-ordination, and body conditioning.
Grandmaster Kim Duk In’s family has a highly-respected 37-generation history of senior military warriors, and good-quality weapons and martial arts techniques. Therefore, in addition to our expertise in the art of Hapkido, our syllabus embraces unique noble techniques and Korean military weapons that Grandmaster Kim learnt and developed from his grandfather, General Jul Chung Kim Kyung Sik (senior martial arts warrior and senior official in charge of the King’s bodyguards at the end of the Choseon Dyn
7 months ago 00:18:04 2
Хапкидо рождение Легенды
7 months ago 00:18:01 1
Хапкидо. Рождение легенды.
8 months ago 00:59:05 1
Как использовать энергию для улучшения памяти и защитить себя от Альцгеймера. Сюй Минтан. I часть.
9 months ago 01:01:12 1
Усиливаем эффекты вашей медитации для здоровья и духа.Онлайн лекция гранд мастера цигун Сюй Минтана.
10 months ago 01:01:34 1
🖐️ Улучшение эмоций! Причины плохих эмоций, откуда они приходят и какая связь с душой. Сюй Минтан
11 months ago 00:55:56 1
Практика объединения души и тела. Живая трансляция имидж-терапии с гранд-мастером цигун Сюй Минтаном